8 Reasons why cutting off people is good

 8 Reasons why cutting people off is a good thing?

1.  For self-actualization.

          For an individual to be fully self-actualized, the easier way for that to happen is when there is the realization that you have to opt-out to this particular standard where valuing a relationship even if it is toxic is seen as vital. As an individual, we needed to get out of our shells and grow. We also needed to be heard. People can be manipulative in several ways, they may try to gaslight you in the process, they can silent you, they may also try to keep you away in a sense that they let you feel isolated. These types of people are the ones that we should avoid. It is justified to keep them out of your life regardless of what reason especially when you feel harmed emotionally.

2.      To lessen the abuse.

     We’ve already seen the deteriorating factor of human rights abuses in the system, we’ve seen how internal violence ultimately becomes a norm in the system but because of the status quo, there is a narrative that coerced them to stay on the vast majority of circumstances. For example in a conservative country where there is no divorce bill yet, women are coerced to stay despite facing domestic violence that’s why to battle this up we need to cut toxic people off as soon as possible. There are signs where only us within ourselves can see and as early as we can we have to save ourselves. 

3.  Combat Moral-Washing

      There exists moral washing in the system. Institutions are more likely to be biased by the virtue of certain moral conducts. We see this in churches, in our own family, when you step into your workplace, and even in our own love relationship. Some people can be manipulative through the use of morals such as a friend saying you should be staying home if you're a woman since it is what a woman should only do according to their church. It may also exist when a friend tries to silent you base on your opinion because you are way younger something that invalidates your idea. Being morally upright is good but using moral codes to justify oppression is never acceptable. 

4.   Save your mental health.

      Your mental health should be your topmost priority. Some people may make you feel uncomfortable and sometimes cutting people off is the best option for you to be in peace.

5.   For your personal growth

      Surround yourself with good people for you to grow. College is full of people that may have good and at the same time bad influences on your growth. You need to cut people off especially those who are distracting you from attaining good marks and performing well in school. Personal growth is easier to achieve when you have people that cheer you.

6.   For abusers to grow

      Sometimes asking forgiveness is not enough, if what they have committed is already repetitive there must be a line where you have to put a barrier already. Cutting them off means letting them realize that what they did shouldn't be tolerated. It's a mutual benefit though we can't change people in a day at least we learn to save ourselves. 

7.    To show some teeth.

       The reason why there are bullies out there is that we usually give in to their narratives. Having them cut off is sometimes a display of our courage to speak up for others.

8.    Love yourself

        Cutting them off is self-love.
